Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why does good things always have to end?

It is the end of Chinese New Year holiday. Tomorrow is a working day again. It is so tru that everything good or bad has to come to an end . Why is it when we enjoy the time, it seems to fly by but when we do not enjoy the time it seems like eternity?

For the past week I have been sleeping late and waking up late. I have no idea how I am going to be able to pull myself up at 5am tomorrow morning. Why do we have to spend so much of our entire life working? Is this the only way to life?

I've recently read a book titled 'How to be sick' by Tony. I forgot her full name but she wrote about how she was infected by an unknown virus and was chroniclly fatigue and having flu symptoms. Despite that she continued working. She describes in her book how she overcome many obstacles using the Buddhist teaching.She also talked about how the sick have to work despite being so sick due to financial problems and how she was lucky because she was already a grandmother when she fell sick so family burden was not a big problem to her. She also had a very supportive husband that was always there for her.In her book she also mentioned that at first when she got sick she always ask 'wy me?' but as she realised after being sick for a while, she said 'why not me?' because she had so many people that cared for her.

As I read her book, I came to realise that my situation is worse than hers. I was diagnosed with cancer when I was still studying, with no insurance, affected my eyesight in the 3rd cycle, and now going blind and losing my job. Its hard to get any help because I barely have started working and my eyesight is already deteriorated to a stage that cannot be reversed.But in the end I am no one to judge who is more unlucky or suffered more. I guess I just find it very difficult to adjust to the life of losing my eyesight. Maybe I need more time...My mom always tell me that the world is coming to an end in 2012 but I told her my world has already ended the day I was diagnosed with cancer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shui Yee, I look forward to every blog you post up. It's helped me understand a whole lot more. Thank you.

You've accomplished so much despite the challenges you face. And that is always an inspiration :)

Hope you've been doing okay lately. :)

Much love enclosed from Wei Li (your cousin in Melbourne)

4:15 PM  

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