Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why I decided to start a new blog again...

When I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin lymphoma about two to three years ago, I thought it was the end of my life. However, it was nothing compared to the side effects I had to endure during the third cycle of my chemotherapy. A few days after returning home, I realised that my vision was getting dimmer and dimmer and one day I woke up in daylight, but it feels like its nightime. It was the scariest time where I was blind for ONE DAY. It was scary, because all you could do is hear and talk but you can't see! With promp treatment of methylprednisolone 40mg IV tds, my vision got better the next day, but it never really returned to the original that i used to have. Nevertheless, I was grateful I can still see.
Half year past the end of my chemotherapy, I was scheduled to collect bone marrow just incase I need it for bone marrow transplant.A few days later, my bone marrow harvesting failled (due to the inability of the white cell counts to rise), and I was sent home. A few days after going home, I was strumming my guitar when i realize it was difficult to read the music notes and when I close my left eye, i realized my right eye could notread notes and all was just very blur. I decided to see the optometrist the next day, but by morning, my right eye was already blind and the optometrist just told me the nerves are all dead, and there is no treatment to it. I was left with a blind right eye with no light perception and a limited left vision,but still usable, as in I can stil read. From that day on, mobility was a problem to me, and daily activity is a struggle, but the stubborn me went on to persue my studies. Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I was already in semester 6 of a pharmacy course. There were two more semester to go before graduation so I decided not to give up. In one year I redid my semester 6 (because when i was diagnosed I was two weeks away from completion of semester 6) and contineud to semester 7. By the end of semester 7 my vision deteriorates again, i don't know if its a progressive thing, but I always feel my vision change only when it is sighnificantly deteriorated..This time, when I read sentences, certain letters in a word appears deleted and I also realised that fonts i used to be able to read, I am unable to do it anymore...


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